Tag how to

How to create an email invoice

Crypto invoices are the bread-and-butter functionality for creating manual payment requests as a business. Let’s take a look at the specifics of creating one with Confirmo! It’s super simple.

How to accept crypto payments as a business?

Accepting cryptocurrency payments in your business is easier and more convenient than ever. Confirmo enables your customers to pay with crypto through multiple channels that all lead to your account. Let’s take a look how you can start today!

Setting up your public profile

Customizing your public profile is a great way to increase trust with your customers. It is displayed on your invoices and makes it clear who the customer is sending crypto to. Let’s have a look at how you can improve…

How do Settlements work?

Payments received to your Confirmo account are kept in our safe and secure custody. You have different tools available to withdraw these funds to your bank account and crypto addresses. One of them are Settlements, our automatic withdrawals.

Invoice settings and exceptions

Invoices are an essential tool for crypto payments. Confirmo’s solutions enable your business to generate advanced, unique QR code invoices for receiving payments in crypto, no matter your business type. Let’s see all their features and settings!