How to connect to Confirmo’s Lightning node

Confirmo has a public Lightning node. By opening a channel with us, you reduce transaction time and costs near to zero. Read more in this article!

Why connect to Confirmo’s Lightning node

Opening a channel to Confirmo‘s Lightning node helps improve the efficiency of transactions between you and us. That is why we recommend all users paying with Lightning to open a channel with Confirmo. By participating in this process, you can earn sats for transactions that are routed through you! Keep in mind that when opening a channel, fund it with at least 5 million satoshis, otherwise the operation will most likely fail.

You should consider opening a channel with our node if you often make payments through our invoices.

Confirmo’s Lightning node public key

See our node on and 1ML Statistics. Alternatively, use the public key as listed below:

A QR code for quick access to Confirmo's public Bitcoin Lightning node

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